These are average heroes that don’t stand out but are still useful under the right situation and setup.
Hero | Role | Description |
Valeera | Melee Assassin | Valeera is useful when you want to focus on the biggest threat on the enemy team. She doesn’t do well by herself, so she fares better as part of a roaming assassination squad. |
Alexstrasza | Healer | A good choice if you want a healer that can effectively zone. Alextrasza’s downside is that she’s not a very effective healer by herself. |
Illidan | Melee Assassin | Illidan is very strong when used by an experienced player. He’s best as a roamer with other support heroes with him. |
Zagara | Ranged Assassin | Zagara is useful for pushing and providing vision for the team. She doesn’t shine as much in team battles, unfortunately. |
Auriel | Healer | Auriel is situationally good because her healing strength depends on her partner. A team with Auriel has to strategize who comes with her in the lane. |
Murky | Melee Assassin | Murky is so squishy that it’s frustrating to play him early to mid-game. He does have late-game value though, so make sure you can farm and strengthen him by then. |
Gazlowe | Melee Assassin | He’s good at pushing lanes and zoning opponents in his lane but doesn’t have much value in clashes. |
Zarya | Support | Zarya isn’t suitable for dealing damage, rather she’s best at mitigating damage to allies because of her shield abilities. |
Sgt. Hammer | Ranged Assassin | Good for potshots to harass enemies, but is also quite easy to kill. |
Artanis | Bruiser | Artanis has a high skill cap that can turn off most players, but he can be effective once they master his skills and movement. |
Arthas | Tank | Arthas is better at damaging rather than protecting allies. His subpar mobility hinders the effectivity of all that damage, however. |
Raynor | Ranged Assassin | Raynor is a tanky offensive character able to survive fights while dishing significant damage. Beyond that Raynar doesn’t provide any viability because of his playstyle. He’s beginner-friendly, so there’s not much downside to having one in your party if trying to learn the game. |
Alarak | Melee Assassin | Alarak is a true assassin. With high burst damage, he pairs well with other heroes that are good at roaming and picking off solo enemies on the map. He lacks in waveclear and is difficult to master. |
Kel’Thuzad | Ranged Assassin | He can do insane damage with skill combos but can’t initiate nor finish off opponents because of his lack of lockdown skills. |
Tracer | Ranged Assassin | Tracer has a low health pool, meaning she can’t be in the thick of the fight most of the time. Her mobility and damage make her good for hunting down stragglers after a clash goes down. |
- See Data page for a table of scaled values at key levels.
Tailwind Cooldown: 6 seconds
Gain 15% increased Movement Speed after not taking damage for 5 seconds.
60 Mana Cooldown: 10 seconds
Throw out a Hammer that returns to Falstad, dealing 80 damage and Slowing enemies by 25% for 2 seconds. Reactive to explode the hammer, dealing 95 damage to nearby enemies.
Type: Spell Damage, Crowd control
Scaling: 4.00390625%
Affects: Enemies
Targeting: Point target
Properties: Area of Effect, Clamping, Piercing Skillshot
Cast time: — Initial: 0.0625 + 0.125 seconds- Reactivation: Instant
Range: 11
Area of Effect: Circle
Radius: 2.5
Hitbox: 1.25 x 2.1
Missile speed: 10
- Hammerang can hit a unit twice, once on both throw and return.
- Reactivation area damage does not apply the Slow.
Lightning Rod
60 Mana Cooldown: 13 seconds
Deal 107 to an enemy, and an additional 75 damage per second for 4 seconds while close to the target. Deals 100% increased damage to Minions and Mercenaries.
Type: Spell Damage
Scaling: 4.00390625%
Affects: Enemies
Targeting: Unit target
Cast time: Instant
Range: — Cast: 5.5- Active: 8.0
Tickrate: 1.0 per second (x5, incl. initial)
- Target is validated every 0.25 seconds. If the target is untargetable or outside the active radius during the check, the Ability ends. Target momentarily leaving the active radius or becoming untargetable does not end the Ability, as long as they are valid for the next check.
- Only one Lightning Rod may be active at a time. Recasting Lightning Rod on another Hero while it is still active causes only the initial damage to be dealt. Recasting Lightning Rod on the same Hero resets its duration.
- Damage bonus to Minions and Mercenaries stacks additively with other offensive damage modifiers affecting Lightning Rod‘s damage.
Barrel Roll
70 Mana Cooldown: 13 seconds
Dashes forward and grants a 171 point Shield for 3 seconds.
Type: Shield, Movement: Launch
Scaling: 4.00390625%
Affects: Self
Targeting: Point target
Properties: Clamping
Cast time: Instant
Range: 7.0
Missile speed: 24
Hinterland Blast
80 Mana Cooldown: 120 seconds
After 1 second, deal 475 damage to enemies within a long line. The cooldown is reduced by 30 seconds for every enemy Hero hit.
Type: Spell Damage
Scaling: 4.76074219%
Affects: Enemies
Targeting: Point target
Properties: Area of Effect, Channeled cast (stationary), Clamping
Cast time: 1.0 (ch) + 0 seconds
Area of Effect: Rectangle
Width: 3.0
Height: 32.5
Mighty Gust
70 Mana Cooldown: 60 seconds
Push enemies away, and Slow their Movement Speed by 40% decaying over 4 seconds.
Type: Crowd control
Affects: Enemies
Targeting: Point target
Properties: Knockback, Piercing Skillshot, Slow
Cast time: 0.25 + 0.25 seconds
Range: 19.5
Hitbox: 8.0 x 3.0
Missile speed: 32
Knockback duration: 0.875 seconds
Knockback speed: 14
Flight Cooldown: 75 seconds
Instead of mounting, Falstad can fly a great distance over terrain.
Type: Movement: Launch
Properties: Channeled cast (stationary), Unstoppable, Untargetable
Cast time: 2.0 (ch) + 0 seconds
Range: 75
- Cast can be canceled by issuing a ‘move’ or ‘stop’ command or be interrupted by enemy abilities that Stun, Silence, Stasis or Knockback. Taking damage does not interrupt the cast.
- Interrupting the channel in any way puts Flight on a 10 second cooldown.
- An indicator will display the landing location to both teams on the ground (for the enemy team, it only appears if within vision).
Falstad Skins | ||||
Wildhammer Thane |
Backstory: Falstad Wildhammer is the High Thane of the Wildhammer Clan and a founding member of the Council of Three Hammers that presides over Ironforge. Despite speculation, Falstad has never been dead and anyone who claims such is a liar. | ||||
6257,000 Wildhammer Thane |
Free Dark Iron |
Free Frostborn |
12075 Ironforge |
Buccaneer |
Backstory: To this day, Captain Falstad and the crew of the Wildhammer honor the pirate’s code set by Mistharbour’s Council of Three Anchors. Of course, some say those rules are merely guidelines… | ||||
Features: Themed abilities. | ||||
Notes: This skin theme is part of a shared theme of . | ||||
6001,200 |
6001,200 Salty |
6001,200 Seafoam |
6001,200 Midnight |
9001,800 Spectral |
Gryphon Master |
Backstory: Much like other clans and races will don warpaint as they head into battle, the Wildhammer Dwarves will adorn themselves with their gryphon’s feathers. | ||||
12075 |
12075 Crimson |
12075 Sky |
Storm Lord |
Backstory: During the War of Three Hammers, no Wildhammer was as feared as the Storm Lords. Their stormhammers forced the Bronzebeards to adopt new weapons and strategies. | ||||
160100 |
160100 Dark |
160100 Frost |
Умения Фалстада
Фалстад бросает молот-бумеранг, который затем возвращается к нему. Молот наносит 62 (+12) единиц урона и снижает скорость передвижения пораженных противников на 25%, на 2 секунды.
Неплохой скилл для быстрого нанесения урона и для того чтобы замедлить противника. Однако стоит заметить, что линия по которой он летит очень узкая и увернуться от него зачастую не составляет проблем. Также играет роль не мгновенное нанесение урона, а затраты на время полета, что делает задачу попадания по противнику еще сложнее.
После нажатия кнопки мы выбираем цель, которая получает урон от молнии сразу и потом еще несколько раз в течение 4-х секунд. После прожатия умения вокруг Фалстада образуется зона внутри которой должна находится цель, чтобы она получала урон. Если цель вышла за пределы зоны, то действие умения прекращается.
Умение является переработанной грозой
Если раньше оно позволяло нанести много урона в одну цель за короткий период времени, то теперь время действия значительно увеличился и неважно, что урона с этой способности больше, противнику достаточно выйти за пределы действия, чтобы не получить его. В массовых боях его удобно его использовать – нажал и забыл, но на деле кроме как в танка прожать больше и некуда, потому что радиус действия невелик и до второй линии редко удается им достать
Влетать в середину боя чревато фатальными последствиями для самого Фалстада, поэтому вывод: неплохой прожим для маленьких боев (2 на 2, 3 на 3). В массовых боях (4 на 4, 5 на 5) не всегда удается вжать его в нужную цель.
Фалстад устремляется в указанную зону и на 2 секунды укрывает себя щитом прочностью 90 (+15) единиц.
Наш сейв, позволяющий свалить подальше или накинуть на себя щит непосредственно в бою. Особенностью является то, что можно использовать через непроходимые участки, а это довольно удобно при побеге.
Удар внутренних Земель
После небольшой задержки Фалстад наносит 311 (+31) единиц урона всем противникам на линии поражения.
Топовый ультимейт, который берут практически все – много урона и возможность сделать его на безопасном расстоянии. Линия Узкая, поэтому желательно иметь в наличии контроль или узкий проход.
Могучий Порыв
Отталкивает противников и замедляет их на 60%. Эффект постепенно спадает в течение 3 секунд.
Выталкивание с замедлением, но без урона. Пока сложно найти применение учитываячто второй ультимейт способен нанести хороший урон в массовом бою. Здесь есть контроль, но даже ветра Светика наносят урон, а тут только выталкивание. В приоритете всё-таки первый ультимейт, но можно пробовать на картах где можно вытолкнуть с ключевой точки (Бухта Черносерда для охраны тех кто сдает монетки, Небесный храм, чтобы выкинуть с точки и т.п.)
Попутный ветер
Скорость передвижения Фалстада увеличивается на 20%, если он не получает урона в течение 6 секунд.
Данная способность заменяет нам средство передвижения при перемещениях и ничего более. Удобно когда догоняешь героя, но получив урон теряем бафф. Честно говоря можно было бы придумать что-то пожестче хD
Фалстад не пользуется транспортом, но может переместиться в любую точку на карте.
Умение за которое Фалстада очень любят – очень высокая мобильность героя и возможность не гнаться за героем, а просто залететь ему за спину (на свой страх и риск конечно) дает возможность уходить на базу за регеном и быстро возвращаться назад. Хотя радиус и ограничен, но все равно остается довольно большим.
Мы рассмотрели с Вами каждое умение данного героя и теперь пора перейти к талантам. В описании таланта я буду указывать, какой талант брать для какого билда и в конце просто перечислю билды.
Дворфы Громового Молота долгое время были втянуты в конфликт с племенами троллей. Они желали сохранить независимость своего клана, но все большее число троллей вызывало растущую озабоченность у Фалстада. Вдобавок он видел надвигающиеся силы Плети на горизонте, прекрасно осознавая, что его людям однажды придется выступить против нежити. С этой целью он стремится наладить отношения с Альянсом, не вступая в него, что ставит его в интересное положение. Орда не считает его клан полноценными врагами, так как Громовые Молоты официально не присоединились к Альянсу. Союз с Альянсом может навлечь на них гнев Орды, но Громовые Молоты больше склоняются к этому направлению.
Фалстад — благородный наездник на грифонах, патрулировавший берега Лордерона после Второй Войны от нападения драконов. Он вместе со своими товарищами защищал город Хасик, а затем сопровождал Ронина в Каз Модан. По пути все его родные были убиты, тем не менее, Фалстад добрался до Каз Модана, достиг Грим Батола и помог Ронину освободить королеву драконов Алекстразу. Таким образом, он завоевал уважение среди красных драконов. Он мог бы подарить этих прекрасных союзников Альянсу, если бы согласился на союз с ним.
Фалстад — верховный Тан клана Громового молота, принявший фамилию Громовой молот, также известен как Грабитель Драконов, благодаря своим особым умениям. Он стал вождем клана после того как его брат Курдран пропал без вести в Дреноре и продолжает править по сей день.
- See Data page for a table of scaled values at key levels.
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Gain 15% increased Movement Speed after not taking damage for 5 seconds.
60 Mana Cooldown: 10 seconds
Throw out a Hammer that returns to Falstad, dealing 80 damage and Slowing enemies by 25% for 2 seconds. Reactive to explode the hammer, dealing 95 damage to nearby enemies.
Type: Spell Damage, Crowd control
Scaling: 4.00390625%
Affects: Enemies
Targeting: Point target
Properties: Area of Effect, Clamping, Piercing Skillshot
Cast time: — Initial: 0.0625 + 0.125 seconds- Reactivation: Instant
Range: 11
Area of Effect: Circle
Radius: 2.5
Hitbox: 1.25 x 2.1
Missile speed: 10
- Hammerang can hit a unit twice, once on both throw and return.
- Reactivation area damage does not apply the Slow.
Lightning Rod
60 Mana Cooldown: 13 seconds
Deal 107 to an enemy, and an additional 75 damage per second for 4 seconds while close to the target. Deals 100% increased damage to Minions and Mercenaries.
Type: Spell Damage
Scaling: 4.00390625%
Affects: Enemies
Targeting: Unit target
Cast time: Instant
Range: — Cast: 5.5- Active: 8.0
Tickrate: 1.0 per second (x5, incl. initial)
- Target is validated every 0.25 seconds. If the target is untargetable or outside the active radius during the check, the Ability ends. Target momentarily leaving the active radius or becoming untargetable does not end the Ability, as long as they are valid for the next check.
- Only one Lightning Rod may be active at a time. Recasting Lightning Rod on another Hero while it is still active causes only the initial damage to be dealt. Recasting Lightning Rod on the same Hero resets its duration.
- Damage bonus to Minions and Mercenaries stacks additively with other offensive damage modifiers affecting Lightning Rod‘s damage.
Barrel Roll
70 Mana Cooldown: 13 seconds
Dashes forward and grants a 171 point Shield for 3 seconds.
Type: Shield, Movement: Launch
Scaling: 4.00390625%
Affects: Self
Targeting: Point target
Properties: Clamping
Cast time: Instant
Range: 7.0
Missile speed: 24
Hinterland Blast
80 Mana Cooldown: 120 seconds
After 1 second, deal 475 damage to enemies within a long line. The cooldown is reduced by 30 seconds for every enemy Hero hit.
Type: Spell Damage
Scaling: 4.76074219%
Affects: Enemies
Targeting: Point target
Properties: Area of Effect, Channeled cast (stationary), Clamping
Cast time: 1.0 (ch) + 0 seconds
Area of Effect: Rectangle
Width: 3.0
Height: 32.5
Mighty Gust
70 Mana Cooldown: 60 seconds
Push enemies away, and Slow their Movement Speed by 40% decaying over 4 seconds.
Type: Crowd control
Affects: Enemies
Targeting: Point target
Properties: Knockback, Piercing Skillshot, Slow
Cast time: 0.25 + 0.25 seconds
Range: 19.5
Hitbox: 8.0 x 3.0
Missile speed: 32
Knockback duration: 0.875 seconds
Knockback speed: 14
Cooldown: 75 seconds
Instead of mounting, Falstad can fly a great distance over terrain.
Type: Movement: Launch
Properties: Channeled cast (stationary), Unstoppable, Untargetable
Cast time: 2.0 (ch) + 0 seconds
Range: 75
- Cast can be canceled by issuing a ‘move’ or ‘stop’ command or be interrupted by enemy abilities that Stun, Silence, Stasis or Knockback. Taking damage does not interrupt the cast.
- Interrupting the channel in any way puts Flight on a 10 second cooldown.
- An indicator will display the landing location to both teams on the ground (for the enemy team, it only appears if within vision).
These are good heroes with a lot of utility in team fights, pushing, roaming or defending your lanes.
Hero | Role | Description |
Chen | Bruiser | Chen is tough to kill and can harass his opponents thanks to his persistent skills. He struggles a bit with clearing the wave and the heroes who interrupt him. |
Deckard | Healer | Deckard offers utility as a damage-dealer with healing capabilities. He has a decent range which is effective for zoning enemies. The AoE attacks also help clear waves and prevent the other team from pushing. |
Samuro | Melee Assassin | Samuro is good when you’re facing off against beginners because they’ll likely get confused with his clones. More experienced players, however, will find this very easy to deal with. |
Kharazim | Healer | Khazarim is a versatile hero that can heal teammates and deal some damage in fights. Because of this, he doesn’t stand out in any other aspect of the game. |
Cho’gall | Tank | Great waveclear, exceptional late game, and huge health pool are how people would describe this hero. Having a great late game means his early game suffers which is something players need to consider when picking him. |
Ana | Healer | Ana received some buffs this patch, her heals and Nano Boost is always a great combination with a hero that casts a lot of spells(usually mage). She is also great at mitigating enemy heals but is highly susceptible to enemies who can dive her. |
Kerrigan | Melee Assassin | Kerrigan is sort of a one-trick pony that can deal massive damage with her skill combos, but isn’t flexible in different situations. |
Abathur | Support | Abathur could reach higher tiers if paired with the right party composition. He has a unique playstyle that might not translate in most matches but is excellent in pre-made teams. |
Yrel | Bruiser | Another hero that’s focused early on in team fights because her damage can be a nuisance if left alone. Kiting her and crowd control is what makes her lack in the late game. |
Genji | Ranged Assassin | Genji has great mobility and decent damage, which makes him very fun to play. He’s good at initiating team fights and getting the jump on enemy teams. |
Azmodan | Ranged Assassin | Opponents have to watch out for Azmodan because he can clear waves quickly. However, in team fights, Azmodan performs less than stellar. |
Lunara | Ranged Assassin | Lunara is good for pressuring opponents because of her poison. While it doesn’t always finish them off, they’ll be a lot more cautious when pulling up in team fights because of this. |
Whitemane | Healer | Unlike other healers, Whitemane’s heal is related to how much damage is given to the enemy. For beginners, this is tricky to manage, therefore adding to her liability in team fights if not played correctly. |
Greymane | Ranged Assassin | Greymane is always a safe pick because of good burst damage and decent enemy harassment potential. |
Qhira | Melee Assassin | Qhira has good damage as a close combat character, but needs to be controlled by skilled players to be truly effective. |
D.Va | Bruiser | D.Va is more of a bait for other teams rather than a genuine threat. Her Self-Destruct is a good denial ability which also affects enemy teams. |
Thrall | Bruiser | Thrall received some great buffs that help with his mana and sustain problems in the solo lane. If the enemy doesn’t focus Thrall instantly, his potential grows exponentially. Still a solid pick nonetheless |
Johanna | Tank | Has a large amount of health for survivability. Additionally, Johanna can clear waves of enemies easily compared to other tanks. |
The Lost Vikings (T.L.V.) | Support | The Lost Vikings can only be effective by the most skilled players because they require a lot of micromanagement. The upside is they have a huge push and zone potential. |
Orphea | Ranged Assassin | Orphea has decent damage but not as burst, so it’s hard to get kills with her. |
Tyrande | Healer | Tyrande should be higher in this list if it weren’t for her abysmal mobility and high skill cap. Her healing is useful in the right hands, though. |
Kael’thas | Ranged Assassin | Living Bomb dictates the flow of combat every time. Used perfectly, this can disperse enemy units, making them easier to chase down. |
Fenix | Ranged Assassin | Fenix is good for dealing potshots to the opponent and then clearing waves of enemies. The ability to warp out of sticky situations is essential for solo pushing. |
Heroes Of The Storm Tier List: S-Tier
The meta is always changing, and together with it, change the heroes that are on the top of this list. At the current stage of the meta, these are the characters that are dictating the pace of the game. You have to either pick them immediately or ban them. If you don’t want to be playing with a disadvantage, we would recommend you to build your team around these heroes. You should think beforehand about how to counter them.
Hero | Class |
Cassia | Ranged Assassin |
Diablo | Tank |
Johanna | Tank |
E.T.C. | Tank |
Mephisto | Ranged Assassin |
“They are not as OP as the S-Tier characters, but they are still quite OP” -proclockers. Those are the words we live by for this game. When you are done with picking or banning the S-Tier heroes, you should move to this tier. The characters here are a bit more balanced, but in the right hands, they can be more deadly than the best of the best. If your main is on this tier, then you have made the right choice. Even if by accident, you have made the right choice.
Hero | Class |
Garrosh | Tank |
Falstad | Ranged Assasin |
Tassadar | Ranged Assasin |
Abathur | Support |
Ragnaros | Bruizer |
Lúcio | Healer |
Fenix | Ranged Assasin |
Xul | Bruizer |
Deckard | Healer |
Sylvanas | Ranged Assasin |
Tracer | Ranged Assasin |
Mal’Ganis | Tank |
Yrel | Bruizer |
Thrall | Bruizer |
Mei | Tank |
Jaina | Ranged Assasin |
Greymane | Ranged Assasin |
Orphea | Ranged Assasin |
Blaze | Tank |
Samuro | Meele Assassin |
Stukov | Healer |
Kael’thas | Ranged Assasin |
You don’t have to feel guilty for picking B-Tier characters. Just because they are not as strong as the ones higher on the list doesn’t mean they are bad picks (we are not at this tier yet). They are great heroes who, in specific situations can carry the whole team. If you synergize their abilities correctly you can see that their toolkit is made to succeed. Be careful though, they have more counters than you might expect, so pick carefully.
Hero | Class |
Varian | Bruizer |
Nazeebo | Ranged Assasin |
Zarya | Support |
Lunara | Ranged Assasin |
Lt. Morales | Healer |
Anub’arak | Tank |
Artanis | Bruizer |
Hanzo | Ranged Assasin |
Alarak | Melee Assassin |
Junkrat | Ranged Assasin |
Tychus | Ranged Assasin |
Auriel | Healer |
Zul’jin | Ranged Assasin |
Zeratul | Melee Assassin |
Sgt. Hammer | Ranged Assasin |
Alexstrasza | Healer |
Gazlowe | Melee Assassin |
Anduin | Healer |
Ana | Healer |
Raynor | Ranged Assasin |
On this tier, it all comes down to preference. There is no point in picking heroes that you don’t know how to play. It is better if you pick the C-Tier hero you know how to play. Especially if you are picking them as direct counters to the picks of your enemies, you have definitely made the right choice. There is a probably better option on the higher tiers, but as we said, it is better to play the ones that you are most comfortable with.
Hero | Class |
Varian | Bruizer |
Dehaka | Bruizer |
Zagara | Ranged Assasin |
Valla | Ranged Assasin |
Kerrigan | Melee Assassin |
Varian | Tank |
Brightwing | Healer |
Li LI | Healer |
Muradin | Tank |
Malfurion | Healer |
Arthas | Tank |
Tyrande | Healer |
Deathwing | Bruizer |
Maiev | Melee Assassin |
Chromie | Ranged Assasin |
Leoric | Bruizer |
Whitemane | Healer |
Cain | Healer |
Sonya | Bruizer |
Rehgar | Healer |
Now preference is starting to become less and less important and we are getting more into the numbers territory. Even if you are amazing at playing these heroes, you will still be put at a disadvantage, just because of their abilities. They are either not as useful as others might be, or simply not as powerful. If there is no scaling potential in a hero, even if he is the coolest hero out there, there is no reason in picking them. Very situational picks.
Hero | Class |
Maiev | Melee Assassin |
Chromie | Ranged Assasin |
Leoric | Bruizer |
Whitemane | Healer |
Rehgar | Healer |
Sonya | Bruizer |
Cain | Healer |
Malthael | Bruizer |
Gul’dan | Ranged Assasin |
Qhira | Melee Assassin |
Heroes Of The Storm Tier List: LOL-Tier
This is the bottom of our list. Unfortunately, not all heroes are created equal. It is unfair that some characters are so underpowered, but that’s the way the world (of HotS) works. It would be best if you avoided these characters for now. Wait until they get a significant buff.
Hero | Class |
Li-Ming | Ranged Assasin |
Chen | Bruizer |
Kel’Thuzad | Ranged Assasin |
Uther | Healer |
Azmodan | Ranged Assasin |
Imperius | Bruizer |
Who is the strongest hero in Heroes Of The Storm?
Cassia is a Ranged Assassin that is dominating the meta right now. She can deal exceptional damage and she is great at destroying the backlines of the enemy. Due to Cassia’s builds variety, she can be picked either as a poke damage Hero (with Lightning Fury Build), or as a consistent damage dealer (with Charged Strikes). If you master how to play Cassia, you are going to climb the ranks very easily.
Falstad Skins | ||||
Wildhammer Thane |
Backstory: Falstad Wildhammer is the High Thane of the Wildhammer Clan and a founding member of the Council of Three Hammers that presides over Ironforge. Despite speculation, Falstad has never been dead and anyone who claims such is a liar. | ||||
6257,000 Wildhammer Thane |
Free Dark Iron |
Free Frostborn |
12075 Ironforge |
Buccaneer |
Backstory: To this day, Captain Falstad and the crew of the Wildhammer honor the pirate’s code set by Mistharbour’s Council of Three Anchors. Of course, some say those rules are merely guidelines… | ||||
Features: Themed abilities. | ||||
Notes: This skin theme is part of a shared theme of . | ||||
6001,200 |
6001,200 Salty |
6001,200 Seafoam |
6001,200 Midnight |
9001,800 Spectral |
Gryphon Master |
Backstory: Much like other clans and races will don warpaint as they head into battle, the Wildhammer Dwarves will adorn themselves with their gryphon’s feathers. | ||||
12075 |
12075 Crimson |
12075 Sky |
Storm Lord |
Backstory: During the War of Three Hammers, no Wildhammer was as feared as the Storm Lords. Their stormhammers forced the Bronzebeards to adopt new weapons and strategies. | ||||
160100 |
160100 Dark |
160100 Frost |