Pve tbc beast mastery hunter dps guide (short)


Комментарий от siideriu

Again the hunter gearing guide has been written by someone that has never touched a hunter. Let me put this friendly: you can not play without mana. Using pure AGI/AP items in every slot besides the beast lord 4-set will OOM you regardless of using mana potions on CD.You’ll need intellect to scale Aspect of the Viper and default mana pool OR you’ll need Mark of Conquest.Even during the extremely short Karazhan boss fights you’re guaranteed to OOM with these gear suggestions. Then you have the only actual content (T5 raids and dungeons) where you can not stop to drink every 20 seconds.

Комментарий от Martholorax

Curious about the Season 1 crosswbow and why it’s not on this list. Is it a time issue? Also, in the hidden comment, you all mention a discord, is that the Trueshot Brigade, or is there another WoW Classic Hunter theorycrafting discord?(regarding multiple edits, hadn’t had coffee yet)

Комментарий от Noodz85

Hi, Excellent guide. But i was planning on creating the Surestrike Goggles v2.0 (eventually the 3.0) but I don’t see them listed here?

Комментарий от ForeverBronz

Love the guide but did want to confirm 2 things. What is the best enchant for boots and do you suggest continuing to use a Ravager or should I switch to My Wind Serpent when I get all Pre-raid BiS. Crits seem to happen often enough to proc Go for the Throat to condone the Serpent. P.S If you did cover this, I apologize but I didn’t see it.

Комментарий от Dunkindonutz

During Phase 1 of TBC classic, there is Изменчивый меч Латро. I am currently duel-wielding these, as the set bonus is active. The Expertise is garbage, but the set AP bonus is nice, with old world AGI added to them, makes for nice pre-bis for next phase.

Комментарий от Dunkindonutz

I have also noticed that you did not mention Фениксовый лук Ярости Солнца — this should be pre-raid BIS if not BIS until phase 2.

Комментарий от Generalfrisk

Thank you for the guide, enjoying playing a hunter much more than I expected.By any chance do you have any plans to add a 9% Pre-Raid gear set, and perhaps a 9% set that does not include Sonic Spear? (I mainly ask this because I already farmed up the Fist Weapons and it’s unlikely I’ll have access to a Boomkin)

Комментарий от mustpotatoes

Thanks for all the effort, but I will have to ask… What are you talking about when you say weaving. You do know that in TBC hunters get steady shot, the most OP skill in the whole expansion. Why on earth would anyone not spam steady shot and weave melee attacks?

Комментарий от blasphemous9

Just curious why Кольцо Когтеврана is listed lower than Перстень Кайлаана.. Sure you lose 20 AP but you get more agi, more stam, more crit and a little more hit. The agi, especially with kings, should come out the same for AP. Plus stamina, hit, and crit are always good to get more of.

Комментарий от Sorebane

Why aren’t Поножи из сквернокожи on the pre-bis list? These things are almost as good as Полуночные набедренники and FAR easier to obtain.

Best Professions

  • Leatherworking: Leatherworking is a great addition to a Hunter’s arsenal since you are able to craft gear throughout your entire leveling career. Not to mention items like Ebon Netherscale Belt, Ebon Netherscale Bracers, Ebon Netherscale Breastplate and more. Leatherworking also provides you the opportunity to be a supplier of various items that will assist your team in downing bosses such as Drums of Battle, Drums of Restoration and Drums of War. You can also craft your own Netherscale Ammo Pouch or Quiver of a Thousand Feathers.
  • Engineering: Engineering allows you to not only create fun and exciting items like but you can also craft your own ammunition ( and Adamantite Shells) You could also learn to craft weaponry such as Gyro-Balanced Khorium Destroyer.
  • Enchanting: Enchanting allows you to generate some extra income by selling your enchanting services or by disenchanting unnecessary loot in dungeons and raids. It also allows you to enchant both of your rings with Enchant Ring – Stats for some added damage and survivability. NOTE: Blizzard has confirmed that players will no longer be able to keep using their enchanted rings if they unlearn this profession.
  • Blacksmithing: Blacksmithing doesn’t offer Hunters much, if any, benefit at all, apart from items like Stormforged Hauberk, which would be replaced with Ebon Netherscale Breastplate. Hunters that do choose Blacksmithing can eventually craft Mooncleaver. While not best in slot for Phase 1, it’s still a decent weapon.
  • Alchemy: Alchemy doesn’t provide much benefit for Hunters except for the ability to craft certain potions, flasks and elixirs you may use. However, with the increased ease gold making has seen in TBC, it shouldn’t be too hard to afford your consumables.
  • Jewelcrafting: Jewelcrafting can be beneficial for Hunters with the ability to craft unique gems that are slightly superior to the readily available gems on the Auction House. However, these gems are unique and thus players can only have one equipped at one time. Figurine – Felsteel Boar wouldn’t be a big enough benefit for me to recommend venturing into Jewelcrafting.
  • Gathering Professions: Since I would whole-heartedly recommend picking up Leatherworking, I’d be remiss to not pair that with Skinning so that you can gather your own materials, possibly making some extra gold selling what you don’t use.

Best Races

There are a total of 7 playable races if you are interested in playing the class of Hunter.


  • Dwarf: Dwarf Hunters benefit from Gun Specialization, which can be a major bonus for you, depending on what you decide to wield at level 70! As a secondary bonus, Dwarves also get Stoneform, which will not benefit you as much as it does tanks, but extra armor and immunity to bleeds, poisons and disease effects is always a nice addition!
  • Night Elf: Night Elf Hunters are gifted with a way to vanish into their surroundings with Shadowmeld as long as they are out of combat when they initiate the ability. Combine this ability with a pet that can learn Prowl and you are a force to be reckoned with in PvP! Night Elves also benefit from an additional 8 and 9 agility compared to Draenei and Dwarves, respectively.
  • Draenei: Just like Draenei Warriors and Paladins, Draenei Hunters benefit from an additional 1% hit rating from Heroic Presence, causing their required Hit Rating to be only 8%. They also benefit from an extra heal called Gift of the Naaru, which does not cost any resources.


  • Orc: While not a direct benefit, Axe Specialization does provide additional Expertise with one-handed and two-handed axes. Orcs also benefit greatly from Blood Fury which increases your attack power, but it does reduce healing effects on you by 50%. The biggest advantage Orcs have is access to Command, which increases your pet’s damage by 5%.
  • Tauren: Tauren benefit from Endurance, increasing your total health by 5%. They also benefit from War Stomp, acting as a short Crowd Control ability whenever you are in a tight spot!
  • Troll: Trolls benefit from two major racials: Berserking, which increases your casting and attack speed by 10-30%, depending on your current Health, and Beast Slaying, which increases your damage against beasts by 5%. Trolls also benefit from Bow Specialization, which can be a major help, depending on which weapon class you decide to wield.
  • Blood Elf: Blood Elf Hunters gain Arcane Torrent and Mana Tap, effectively allowing you to silence mobs and slightly regenerate your mana.

Alliance: With Gun Specialization being dependent on which kind of ranged weapon you use at 70, and 9% Hit Rating being well within reach, Night Elves would be my choice as the best Alliance race.

Horde: This is a tough choice since both Orcs and Trolls have incredible racials for Hunters. Both have several advantages but because Beast Slaying is exclusive to when fighting beasts, I would wager that Orcs are stronger Hunters.

Best In Slot Gear for Beast Mastery Hunter DPS in Pre-Raid

Доспехи Расхитителя гробницНаксрамасСмутный хризопразЗазубренный хризопразАлмаз жестокой земной буриЛунный колунIt is advised that you use a cheaper alternative weapon from dungeons/heroics and practice and see if you enjoy melee weaving and can do it properly before spending a ton of gold on leveling Blacksmithing and making Лунный колун.Коготь СтражаБоевой клинок бушующего штормаАдамантитовое грузило

Badges of Justice for Hunter DPS

Rank Item Price
1 Брошь Кровожадности 41 Знак справедливости
2 Колье злых намерений 25 Знак справедливости
3 Боевой плащ Кровавого Рыцаря 25 Знак справедливости

Armor for Beast Mastery Hunter DPS in Pre-Raid

Шлем владыки зверейОчки смертельного удара X11Очки верного удара модель 2.0Шлем владыки зверей

Rank Item Sockets Source
BiS Пояс упреждающего удара Пояс упреждающего удара — Питер Гален
Optional Кушак Барханного ветра Хрупкий животворный рубинХрупкий животворный рубин Heroic Газ’ан — Нижетопь
Optional Черный пояс из чешуи дракона Пустоты Хрупкий животворный рубинХрупкий животворный рубин Черный пояс из чешуи дракона Пустоты — Сара Дубильщица
Optional Пояс ловца Скверны Хрупкий животворный рубинХрупкий животворный рубин Выкройка: пояс ловца Скверны — Friendly with Оплот ЧестиВыкройка: пояс ловца Скверны — Friendly with Траллмар
Optional Ремень расхитителя гробниц Ремень расхитителя гробниц — Восточные Чумные земли

Поножи Владыки зверей

Rank Item Sockets Source
BiS Абак Сильных расхождений Паталеон Вычислитель — Г’ирас — Шаттрат
Optional Песочные часы Расплетающего Темпорус — Черные топи
Optional Жетон Стража Роя Боевой страж Сартура — Ан’Кираж
Optional Кристалл Острорука Владыка/Безжалостные планы — Полуостров Адского Пламени

Weapons for Beast Mastery Hunter DPS in Pre-Raid

Коготь СтражаАдамантитовое грузило

Rank Item Source
BiS Перетянутый жилами лист древня Древний окаменелый древесный лист — Огненные Недра
BiS Колчан из шкуры копытняКолчан из шкуры ворга Horde — Поставщик Несела — НаграндAlliance — Торговец Нарасу — Награнд
Optional Колчан из шкуры гарпии Horde — Джорек Железнобок — Альтеракские горыAlliance — Тантальдис Снегоблеск — Альтеракские горы

Ammo Pouches for Beast Mastery Hunter DPS in Phase 2

Подсумок контрабандистаНагрудный патронташ из кожи гнолла

Rank Item Source
Best Адамантитовое жало Dropped by Лучник клана Ярости Солнца — Испорченная схема — Пустоверть
Optional Стрела стража Revered with Кенарийская экспедиция — Федриен Быстрое Копье — Зангартопь
Optional Острая стрела Халаани Horde — Тасалдан — НаграндAlliance — Банро — Награнд
Optional Стрела с черным оперением Various vendors — The Burning Crusade
( Пока оценок нет )
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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: