Final fantasy xiv: руководство для начинающих и часто задаваемые вопросы

Conjurer (White Mage)

Первый хилер, использующий посох в качестве оружия. В Final Fantasy у хилеров, помимо лечащих скиллов также имеется немало атакующих. И предназначены они не толь для прохождения соло-контента. То есть, на высоких уровнях в группе от вас будут ожидать не только лечения союзников, но и нанесения урона врагам.

В остальном же, вайт маг — традиционный хилер. Игроки будут получать урон, а вы будете реагировать с помощью сильных хилов в одну цель или на всю группу. Так же, как и в случае с паладином, вайт маг будет неплохой отправной точкой для этого.

Отдельно стоит отметить, что White Mage по достижении 30 уровня получает особого маунта – единорога.

Танки тоже могут быть крутыми!

Танки в MMO — это жизненная сила хорошей вечеринки, часто в буквальном смысле. Они являются стеной между атаками врага и мягкими членами группы. Это большая роль, которую нужно заполнить, и часто первая, кто терпит неудачу, если группа вайпает

Это потому, что обычно DPS и целители превосходят вас по численности в группах для большинства MMO, поэтому основное внимание уделяется вам. В Final Fantasy 14 это тоже так, потому что обычно есть только вы или офф-танк, куча ДПС и пара целителей

В этом руководстве Endwalker Dark Knight мы покажем вам, как играть одним из этих танков в игре, чтобы вам не приходилось снова и снова терпеть неудачу, пытаясь понять задание.


Cycle through your mitigation on trash pulls (they hurt more than bosses). Rather than using it all at once, keeping something up at all times can help your healer keep you alive more easily. More powerful mitigation cooldowns like Rampart, Shadow Wall, and Arm’s Length can be paired with weaker ones like Reprisal or Oblation. The Blackest Night is one of your most powerful mitigation tools and can be used liberally (at least once per mob pack) once unlocked.

Living Dead can be extremely strong in dungeons, as a single AoE GCD will often heal you to full after Walking Dead is activated. However, an inexperienced healer may heal too much during Living Dead, preventing Walking Dead from activating. It may help to let your healers know ahead of time where you plan to use Living Dead, to avoid this problem.

Episode 1 – Broken Lines of a Killer

Start a new game and watch the opening scene. Use the red switch to your left and pull the movable instrument table to you. Pick up a small paperclip and get rid of the handcuffs.

Take a black bottle of chloroform (to the left of the big white cupboards), a piece of green cloth and a scalpel (to the right of your bed). Save the game (#1) and combine chloroform and cloth. Put out the nurse.


I am a killer!
Examine her pocket and go to the right. Open the locked door with the key, enter the storage room and switch on the lights. There is a movable bed next to the door – block the entrance with its help. Go further, take some clothes for men and receive a lighter and a belt. Head back to the movable bed and use chloroform as well as the lighter on it. You can leave the room by climbing through the window. There is a zip line above the small ledge you are standing on. Use the belt and click on the building in the next scene before being impaled.

Go to the red fire cupboard and take a fire extinguisher. Use it to open the door, go inside and get a black leather bean bag. Throw it down the building and safely jump on it.

Continue your journey to the left and take a crowbar which is hidden between some blue barrels. Open the door to the right with its help, go inside and obtain a working light bulb. Head back outside and walk over the grass next to the digger. There is a lamp you can repair with the light bulb. Search for a key in the illuminated grass and use it to start the digger. Switch on the lights and interact with the left lever of the two right ones and after that with the lever to the very left. Leave the area and head over a street. Go south and take the first path eastward. Investigate the scene.

You awake in a train. Take the rope and the hook which is laying in a small crate on the right. Go north and spot a piece of wood behind some wooden boxes. Take it and use the chained saw to receive two wood pieces. Combine them with the rope and the hook. Walk to the other part of the train’s freight car and use the stick with hook on the knife. Obtain the knife by using the stick with hook on the trolley. Kill the nazi.

Variant Dungeon Tactics for All 12 Paths

The paths will be described depending on which of the main three doors you went into.

Left Door

Note №1 After killing the 1st boss there will be a room with a lot of green and yellow sacks in it. You need to pick the correct ones. Take the green one in the northeast corner on top of the stones and the yellow one in the southeast corner on a very small hillock. Put both sacks on the pedestals, no matter what order. A teleport will open after that. There will be a pack of mobs, after you defeat them then you need to open a door to the west behind the rubble. Important note: do not walk with Nanamo to the exit before you open that secret door.
Note №2 You need to do all the steps in the exact same way as in the previous case but don’t open a secret door.
Note №3 Put the wrong sacks on pedestals, so you will not get a portal. After opening the door and killing mobs, you need to stand on all 5 puddles with dandelions.
Note №4 Do the same as in note 3 but don’t stand in puddles with dandelions.

Middle Door

Note №8 After you enter the room with stone tablets on pedestals you can see The Scales of Judgment where you can put tablets by choosing answers on the Left and Right Pan. For this path, you need to pick the wrong answers. So use any combination of answers that is not Helmet + Fruit into the Scales or nothing and just click on The Scales of Judgment. Before the final Boss, you will see Conspicuous Levers. Choose the right one.
Note №9 Same as the previous one but you need to pick up “the left one” at the Conspicuous Levers.
Note №10 Now you want to put the correct answers for The Scales of Judgment. So put “The Helm” on the left scale and “The Fruit” on the right portal will be activated. You will be transported to a room with two statues. After killing the mobs you need to interact with the left one – the Statue of Nald.
Note №11 Do all the stuff the same way as in note number 10, but at the end select the right statue – the Statue of Thal.

Right Door

Note №5 After killing the 1st boss there will be a room with a chest and winches. Activate Rusty Winch and choose “the left lift”. After that soon you will see a door where you can interact again. Here you need to choose “The blessed spark”.
Note №6 Exactly the same as in the previous one but at the door, you need to choose the answer “The sacred fire”.
Note №7 Now you are in the room with Rusty Winch. You want to choose “The right lift”. At the end of the path, you will see a room with 5 dragons which will be of different sizes. All dragons must be killed in a certain order. From the biggest to the smallest one (Drakefather -> Drakemother -> Drakebrother -> Drakesister -> Drakeling). Do not AoE there. Just kill them one by one. In the next room kill mobs and you will see Myrrh Incense Burner. You need to interact with it. After this, you can go into the last room, activate the sarcophagus, and kill the last boss.
Note №12 Do all the same stuff exactly as in the previous note, but do not activate the sarcophagus. Stand in front of it and use 4 emotions in the right order. The order will be: /bow – /respect – /vpose -> /kneel. There will be a secret boss.

Достижения повышения уровня

Достижения, полученные путем прохождения игры и получения опыта.

Условно-досрочное освобождениеЗавершите пролог.

При создании персонажа вы будете вынуждены в него войти. Не могу пропустить.

Круг доверия IЗавершить главу 1 Пути доверия.

Это достижение, а впоследствии и все остальные с таким же названием, просто требуют, чтобы вы достигли определенного уровня. Это означает, что Круг доверия VI разблокируется по достижении 30-го уровня.

Необдуманные пустякиРазблокируйте свой первый слот Curio.

Как и ожидалось, это просто делается путем достижения определенного уровня. Это довольно рано в игре, и это легко.

Добро пожаловать, ВипперснапперРазблокируйте доступ к Реквизиториуму сира Мелька.8217;> Вы разблокируете Реквизиторий Сира Мелька, достигнув 11-го уровня.

Two’s CompanyИмейте 2 разных класса на 30-м уровне.

Как четырехлистный клеверИмейте 4 разных класса на 30-м уровне.

В настоящее время я не знаю надежных стратегий для быстрого повышения уровня. Если вы способны делать контент самой высокой сложности, это, вероятно, будет вашим лучшим выбором.

Однако, если вы этого не сделаете, я обнаружил, что спам быстрой игры на уровне сложности «Подстрекательство» и спешка до конца довольно эффективны. Вы либо хотите сделать Sedition, либо Malice. Уровень сложности «Восстание» того не стоит, так как он дает только на 100 XP больше, чем Sedition, но миссия занимает больше времени и не стоит 100 XP. Вы должны учитывать тот факт, что Malice займет некоторое время, и вы можете потерпеть неудачу, если ваша команда не справится с задачей, предоставив вам только от 500 до 1000 XP. Я могу ошибаться в этом, но лично я никогда не получал больше 1000 XP за проваленную миссию.

The short version

Pay attention. No, not to me (well, that too), but to the first phase of the fight. As with pretty much every boss, Trial or otherwise, the first bit of the fight is mostly the boss showing off moves before it starts stringing them together in more complex ways. That’s equally true of Zodiark, but the way this boss changes things up is… interesting.

Initially, the two important things to remember are which Exoterikos sigils do which attack, as everything else is pretty heavily telegraphed. Once you transition into the second phase, things get a lot more complex because he’ll start using two or three abilities at the same time. Also, Astral Flow.

Well, shit.

Astral Flow is a really annoying ability, especially if you’re not great at mentally rotating things. This turns most mechanics on their head in that you need to run into danger zones to avoid them, as it freezes you in place and rotates the arena by 90 degrees. It’ll probably take you a moment to get your head around where the new safe spaces will be. My initial piece of advice for this is to move further to make sure you’re safe. It’s much, much better to be safe having traversed half of the arena to get to a corner, than it is to stay near the middle and potentially be just inside an AoE.

Algedon and Astral Eclipse are two other abilities worth noting. The former is pretty much an instant kill because of its knockback, so if Zodiark ever moves to a corner, tuck yourself into a corner that does not contain him and isn’t the corner he’s facing. If you’re in the middle of the arena when the AoE indicator comes out, you’re not so much going “To The Edge” as you are off the edge. (Spoilers for Shadowbringers in that link, but if you’re reading this…)

Meanwhile, Astral Eclipse takes most people at least one attack to figure it out. Basically, the arrows don’t mean anything in terms of where AoEs will land. Look at where the arrows are coming from and you’ll see a pattern of stars, which indicates where circle AoEs will land on the “grid” that you’re standing on. It’s not as hard to dodge as it might first appear, but as with Astral Flow it’ll take a moment to get your head around how it functions and relates to the space around you.

Finally, I’ll quickly mention that if you’re a healer and are partying with people at-level, you really need to be on guard. Styx hits incredibly hard and any mitigation abilities like Temperance are tremendously useful. And you’ll likely want as many heals available as possible for situations like that, but he’ll likely cast it again before they’re back off cooldown. Likewise, Kokytos reduces all HP to 1 so that requires some swift healing, but between two of you that shouldn’t be so problematic.

Несущие тень

ShadowbringersРасширение, выпущенное в 2019 году, перевернуло сценарий, превратив вашего Воина Света в Воина Тьмы в совершенно новом мире. Он повышает максимальный уровень до 80, добавляет рабочие места Gunbreaker и Dancer, а также две новые расы, Hrothgar (только для мужчин) и Viera (только для женщин). Он также представляет систему доверия, которая позволяет игрокам заниматься контентом вместе с известными неигровыми персонажами, Новой игрой+ и системой посещения мира.

  • Исследование (ШБ)

    Новые карты? Новые потоки эфира! Здесь вы можете найти руководства о том, где их найти, а также информацию об особых FATE.

    • Aether Currents (ShB)

      Куда Найти все потоки эфира в Лейкленде

      Где найти все потоки эфира в Амх-Араенге

      Где найти все потоки эфира в Холусии

      Где найти все потоки эфира в Иле Мхег

      Где найти все потоки эфира в Великом лесу Рак’тика

      Где найти все потоки эфира в Tempest

    • A Finale Самое грозное руководство FATE

  • Подземелья, испытания, рейды и многое другое (ШБ)

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    • Quest And Пошаговые руководства по обязанностям (ШБ)

      Изучение прохождения квеста Лали-хо

      Прохождение квеста «Свет вдохновения»

      Прохождение квеста «Таинственные шахтеры»

      Как победить Брионака и Хеллдайвера 4-го легиона в Castrum Lacus Litore

      Как выполнить задание «Спасение заключенного» в Castrum Lacus Litore

      Как победить Адраммелеха в Castrum Lacus Litore

      Как победить Давона и Лиона в Castrum Lacus Litore

      Как пройти квест «Город древних»

    • Подземелья (ШБ)

      Гайд по подземельям Holminster Switch

      Гайд по подземельям Дон Мхег

      Путеводитель по подземельям Qitana Ravel

      Путеводитель по подземелью Колодца Малики

      Путеводитель по подземелью горы Галг

      Путеводитель по подземелью Амаурота

      Гайд по Twinning Dungeon

      Гайд по подземельям Akadaemia Anyder

      Путеводитель по подземельям Grand Cosmos

      Гайд по подземельям Anamnesis Anyder

      Гайд по прохождению Героев

      Путеводитель по реликвиям Матои

      Путеводитель по подземельям Паглт’ан

    • Гайд «Умирающий вздох»

    Гайд по Castrum Marinum

    Путеводитель по Танцующей чуме (Extreme)

    Путеводитель по Короне Непорочного (Экстремального)

Standard Opener

Best raid buff alignment and a good default choice

The potion used is whatever the current tier’s Strength potion is (as of the time of writing, it is the Grade 7 Tincture of Strength HQ).

Provoke should be used if you want to start with aggro, and left out otherwise.

Opener notes:

  • Blood Weapon is used pre-pull to ensure that Living Shadow is used as soon as possible. Any later and a hit will get pushed out of raid buffs.

  • The pre-pull TBN is used to prevent MP overcap from the first Hard Slash under Blood Weapon, since if it breaks it refunds the MP cost in the form of a free Edge of Shadow.

    If the pre-pull TBN will not break, then simply omit it and overcap 600-800 MP before your first Edge of Shadow.

  • Try to avoid pulling with Unmend, as doing so will delay Living Shadow. If you need to start with aggro, Provoke can be used to pull.


Dark Knight’s rotation is deceptively simple, and follows these simple principles:

  • Avoid overcapping on MP or blood by using Edge of Shadow and Bloodspiller, respectively.
  • Use offensive abilities without charges (such as Carve and Spit, Salted Earth, Blood Weapon, and Delirium) when available.
  • Use offensive abilities with charges (Plunge and Shadowbringer) in raid buffs or to avoid overcapping. In practice, it is often possible to get all uses of Shadowbringer under raid buffs. Plunge, having a shorter cooldown, is best used twice a minute — inside buffs at even minutes, and more freely during odd minutes.
  • Fill remaining GCDs with Souleater combo.

A Realm Reborn Patches MSQ

Level 50:

  • You Have Selected Regicide – Unlocks Thornmarch (Hard), Good King Moogle Mog XII boss fight.
  • Build on the Stone – Allows attuning to The Rising Stones, Scions of Seventh Dawn’s new base of operations.
  • Lord of the Whorl – Unlocks The Whorleater (Hard), Leviathan boss fight.
  • Levin an Impression – Unlocks The Striking Tree (Hard), Ramuh boss fight.
  • The Path of the Righteous – Unlocks Snowcloak dungeon.
  • The Instruments of Our Deliverance – Unlocks Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Hard), Shiva boss fight.
  • The Rising Chorus – Unlocks The Keeper of the Lake dungeon.
  • An Uninvited Ascian – Unlocks The Chrysalis, Nabriales boss fight
  • The Steps of Faith – Unlocks The Steps of Faith, Vishap boss fight.
  • Heavensward Main Scenario Quests

Level 50:

  • Coming to Ishgard – Allows attuning to Ishgard, Heavensward’s primary city.
  • Over the Wall – Allows attuning to Coerthas Western Highlands.
  • Onwards and Upwards – Allows attuning to The Sea of Clouds.
  • Divine Intervention – Unlocks Aether Currents in Heavensward zones, necessary for flying mounts.

Level 51:

  • Sounding Out the Amphitheatre – Increases mount speed in Coerthas Western Highlands.
  • Purple Flame, Purple Flame – Activates an Aether Current in Coerthas Western Highlands.

Where the Chocobos Roam – Allows attuning to The Dravanian Forelands.

Level 53:

  • Lord of the Hive – Unlocks Thok ast Thok (Hard), Ravana boss fight and increases mount speed in The Dravanian Forelands.
  • Mourn in Passing – Allows attuning to The Churning Mists, unlocks Sohm Al dungeon, and activates an Aether Current in The Dravanian Forelands.

Level 57:

  • A Knight’s Calling – Unlocks The Vault dungeon.
  • Into the Blue – Allows attuning to Ok’Zundu in The Sea of Clouds.
  • Bolt, Chain, and Island – Unlocks The Limitless Blue (Hard), Bismarck boss fight, increases mount speed, and activates an Aether Current in The Sea of Clouds.

Level 59:

  • Matoya’s Cave – Allows attuning to the Matoya’s Cave place and increases mount speed in The Dravanian Hinterlands.
  • Forbidden Knowledge – Unlocks The Great Gubal Library dungeon and activates an Aether Current in The Dravanian Hinterlands.
  • The First Flight of the Excelsior – Allows attuning to Azys Lla.
  • Systematic Exploration – Activates an Aether Current in Azys Lla.
  • In Node We Trust – Activates an Aether Current in Azys Lla.
  • Chimerical Maintenance – Activates an Aether Current in Azys Lla.
  • Close Encounters of the VIth Kind – Activates an Aether Current and increases mount speed in Azys Lla.
  • Fetters of Lament – Activates an Aether Current in Azys Lla.

Level 60:

Heavensward – Unlocks The Aetherochemical Research Facility dungeon, the Singularity Reactor, King Thordan boss fight, and increases mount speed in Idyllshire. This quest also finishes Heavensward base game.

Битва с Боссом Башни Зот — Избранные Предвестники: Чиндурува/Сестры Магов

Квадрат Эникс

Сестры Магов – это реальный вызов.

Когда вы прибудете в конец Прихода Мудрости, Чиндурува будет ждать вас на своей боевой арене. Атаки, которые она будет использовать в этом бою, следующие:

  • «Samsara». Атака, наносящая магический АОЕ-урон всем членам группы.
  • «Delta Attack». Во время применения способности сестры-маги используют ряд усиленных атак с разными стихийными элементами. Элемент атаки отображается в виде всплывающей подсказки и бывает трех типов – Лед/Blizzard («Glacial ice»), Молния/Thunder («Thunderous tempest») или Огонь/Fire («Insatiable flame»):Blizzard – все три сестры начнут выпускать конусные АОЕ-волны и создадут линейные АОЕ-области, которые перемещаются по полю боя. Игрокам придется двигаться из одной стороны комнаты в другую, чтобы уклоняться от всех АОЕ-атак;
  • Thunder – вокруг поле боя появятся круглые АОЕ-зоны, которые будут превращаться в мелкие области, располагающиеся в форме креста. Также на земле образуются большие линейные АОЕ-зоны, охватывающие площадку по всей длине. Вначале всем членам группы нужно уклоняться от них, а после – собираться вместе, чтобы объединить метки в одной точке;
  • Fire – во время действия этой способности на поле боя в случайных направлениях появятся линейные АОЕ-зоны. Также образуются АОЕ-области в форме пончика (с безопасным пространством внутри) и маркеры на игроках. Сначала вам нужно уклоняться от АОЕ в виде пончика, а после разойтись, чтобы не задеть союзников.
  • Между каждой комбо-атакой каждая сестра будет использовать свои уникальные способности, такие как Dhrupad, Isitva Siddhi и Prapta Siddhi.
  • После смерти сестры Cinduruva способность «Delta Attack» больше не будет использоваться, а другие две сестры продолжат применять свои базовые умения до тех пор, пока не умрут.

Между каждой атакой Дельты Сестры Магов будут использовать свои навыки на игроках. Обязательно смягчайте, исцеляйте и двигайтесь быстро, чтобы избежать большого количества повреждений. Рекомендуется сосредоточиться на трех сестрах одна за другой, так как бесцельное нападение на них только продлит бой. После того, как вы победите каждую из них, подземелье будет закончено!

Phase One Mechanics¶


As soon as the battle starts. Zodiark will cast Kokytos. This is a raid wide attack that reduces everyone’s HP to 1, and requires healing as soon as possible. As a healer, you’ll want to throw an area of effect (AoE) healing spell (Medica II, Aspected Helios etc.) on everyone before the battle starts.

(1 of 2) Zodiark will cast Kokytos as soon as the battle starts

Zodiark will cast Kokytos as soon as the battle starts (left), reducing the whole party to 1 HP. (right)

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There are two different symbols, a triangle, and a square at the side of the arena. Zodiark will shoot a purple beam towards the symbol, which’ll determine what spell gets cast.

Esoteric Sect (Triangle)

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If the beam connects with the triangle symbol, it’ll cast Esoteric Sect. This will send out a cone like AoE from the symbol, covering a large area of the arena. Run towards Zodiark, and to the front corner of where the symbol is. If the symbol is on the right, run to the front right corner, if it’s on the left, run to the front left corner.

(1 of 2) Exoterikos has two different versions. If the symbol has a triangle in its center

Exoterikos has two different versions. If the symbol has a triangle in its center (left), it’ll cast a wide cone AoE from it, covering most of the arena. (right)

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Esoteric Dyad (Square)

If the beam connects with the square symbol, it’ll cast Esoteric Dyad. This will make the AoE cover half of the arena. Simply run to the opposite side to where the square symbol is.

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Note. These attacks are color coded. The purple beam with a blue and purple rune indicates it’ll be a triangle symbol, whilst the square symbol will be indicated with a reddish/pink beam and rune.

(1 of 2) If the symbol is a square…

If the symbol is a square… (left), it’ll cover almost half of the arena that the symbol is on. (right)

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Ania is Zodiarks tank buster. This is indicated by a red downward arrow above the main tank’s head, and a circular red line swirling around them. Like most tank busters, this does a moderate amount of damage. As the tank receives this attack, make sure to use one of your defensive cooldowns to mitigate some damage. As a healer, throw a shield on the tank to further mitigate the damage or be ready to heal them.

Ania is a tank buster, indicated by the new tank buster graphic.

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This is a summon spell. Zodiark will summon one of two possible summons in pairs. This will change what you’ll need to do to avoid it.


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If you see the Behemoths, they’ll cast a circular AoE underneath them. This will cover two quadrants of the arena. As long as you’re not standing in-between the two Behemoths, you’ll be safe.


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If you see two snakes, they’ll each cast a line AoE. This covers a thick line of the arena from the way they’re facing to the edge of the arena. For this attack, as long as you are in the middle of the two snakes, or either side of them, you’ll be safe.


This is a relatively easy attack to avoid…unless you’re a Black Mage. Zodiark will cast three waves of small circular AoEs underneath you. These will follow you around, so make sure to stay on the move, and away from other players if you can help it. You can just run in a small circle, providing no-one is near you.

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This is one of Zodiark’s harder hitting attacks. Similar to Akh Morn in the past. Someone will receive a stack marker above their head. The whole party will need to stack on each other to share the damage.

This attack will hit 5 times, and the entire party needs to stay together for every hit. Even with everyone stacked up, this attack still hits hard so as a healer, be ready to heal through it, and as a tank use one of your defensive cooldowns.

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It appears to always happen at 80% HP, and normally after it casts Phlegeton.

Phase 3 Mechanics¶

Phase 3 will have all the mechanics of the previous phases, but this time it’ll combine some of it’s attacks, and introduce a couple of new ones.

Astral Eclipse

Phase 3 will start when Zodiark will leave the arena during the transition. This is the attack that will wipe most uninformed parties. Zodiark will fly away and tether a set of stars that will fall onto the area. It’ll summon three sets of stars which land in predesignated locations.

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To find out where they will land beforehand, look to where Zodiark tethers, and in the sky, you’ll see a pattern. The stars on the pattern are where the Stars will fall on the arena from the direction the stars are at. It’s best to visualize the arena as a 3×3 grid, so three squares across, and three squares down.

If the stars hit you, you’ll most likely die, so make sure you are standing in the safe spots. Zodiark has three patterns to choose from, which is shown in the table below. The O’s are indicated as the safe spot, whilst the X’s are where the stars will land.

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Pattern 1 Pattern 2 Pattern 3

To sum it up. When you see Zodiark tether the stars, look at what set of stars it is tethering to, turn your camera, so the pattern in the sky is in front of you. This will be the front of the arena for this set of stars. For example, If Zodiark uses pattern 1, you’d want to stand in either the front left, front middle, back middle, or the back right squares. Rotate your camera for every set of stars to understand where they will land.

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Trimorphos Exoterikos

This will cast Exoterikos three times in quick succession, so you’ll have to be on your toes to avoid it. Staying near to Zodiark, and slightly adjusting your position, seems to be the easiest way to avoid them.

Combined attacks

Throughout the third phase, Zodiark will combine a couple of his other phase’s attacks into one move.

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  • Adikia is combined with Esoteric Dyad — Stand at either the northern or southern edges of the arena.

  • Triple Esoteric Ray is combined with an Esoterikos — If Esoterikos is a triangle, stand in the corner next to Zodiark, and move if/when the Triple Esoteric Ray shoots off where you’re standing. If it’s the Square, you can do a similar thing, but you don’t have to be so close to Zodiark.

FFXIV Endwalker: Как разблокировать башню подземелья Зот

Чтобы разблокировать это подземелье, вы должны выполнить следующий основной сценарий квеста:

In the Dark of the Tower (В темноте Башни)

  • Дающий квест: Криле
  • Расположение: Старый Шарлаян – Главный зал
  • Уровень: 81

The Tower of Zot разблокируется на 81 уровне во время выполнения сюжетного задания «In the Dark of the Tower». Это первое подземелье, которое будет доступно игрокам в дополнении Endwalker. Оно находится в локации Thavnair. Игроки 82 уровня и выше автоматически синхронизируются с 82 уровнем при входе в подземелье. Минимальный уровень снаряжения для входа в The Tower of Zot — 500.

( Пока оценок нет )
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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: